Please see attached for FAQ information on our SFTP-FTPS connectivity.
Server: or
Protocols: *SFTP (SSH), FTP/SSL, SCP (*Recommended)
File System: ECGridOS
InBox (receive): /in
InBox Archives: /in/archive/{yyyymmdd}
OutBox (send): /out
OutBox Archives: /out/archive/{yyyymmdd}
Inbound: Receiving from ECGrid (inbound to customer firewall) - Current - Secondary
Outbound: Sending to ECGrid (outbound from customer server) – Current - Secondary
Ports: SFTP: Port 22
FTPS (explicit): Port 21
FTPS (implicit): Port 990
MFT Directories:
InBox: /in.mft/{trading partner name}
OutBox: /out.mft/{trading partner name}
Archives: In main /in/archive and /out/archive directories
Instructions & Important Notes:
Name/Password: Login credentials can be set through your ECGrid portal.
Access List: You can restrict the IPs of the clients authorized to access your SFTP account on your ECGrid portal
Config on Portal: /MyHub/Mailboxes/ then {Mailbox}/Connection
Uploading: You will upload outbound files from your network via the /out directory. Uploaded files are posted directly into ECGridOS after successful upload. Do not use temporary extensions with rename. If you post with a temporary name, that will be sent to ECGridOS. There is no RENAME function on the ECGrid SFTP server.
Downloading: You will download inbound files to your network from the /in directory. A copy will remain in the archive for 30 days.
DeleteonDownload: DeleteOnDownload can be set from your portal.
If DeleteOnDownload is True, meaning that after the system sees a successful transfer to your SFTP client, it will delete the file from the /out folder.
If DeleteOnDownload is set to False for the mailbox, then the SFTP client software must delete the file on the SFTP server after a successful download.
Important Notes:
There is no physical underlying file system, so there is no chance of file name conflicts or partial uploads.
Permissions are global across our network
You can upload to the /out directory and download from the /in directory. You are unable to write to a file, rewrite an extension, or move a file.